Traditional Fisheries
YRDFA is a non-profit association of subsistence and commercial fishers with the mission of protecting healthy fisheries and cultures along the Yukon River drainage.
Home to the longest salmon migration in the world, the Yukon River provides key dietary and cultural support for rural villages. YRDFA was created in 1990 to conserve salmon runs and has become an essential part of the communications between fishers and fishery managers in the region, promoting Traditional Ecological Knowledge and long-term economic viability of Yukon River communities. YRDFA also serves as a leading research organization aimed at conserving Yukon River wild salmon throughout their lifecycles.
YRDFA is currently raising funds for its annual fish camps. Once a traditional family activity, the number of active fish camps has been on the decline and consequently, people are experiencing a loss of culture, tradition, and their subsistence lifestyle. Most especially, youth are losing their connection to traditional knowledge, diet, and activities.
YRDFA is currently working with communities and Tribal Councils in Pilot Station, Nulato, Galena, Tanana, and Nenana to create and implement youth-focused fish camps. Integral to these camps will be the teachings of local Elders and mentoring for education and employment in fisheries and other areas of interest.
The activities of this project will focus on continuing the long tradition of knowledge sharing between Elders and youth and ensuring that the cultural traditions of fish camps and the learning that happens there continues. The ultimate outcome will be stronger and healthier youth who are more informed, grounded, and prepared for the future.
To learn more about YRDFA, please visit