Great Fundraising: Alaska's Pick.Click.Give.
This is one of the most interesting times of year for fundraising in Alaska, because the deadline for Permanent Fund Dividends is nearing (March 31st, if you haven’t applied yet!) and we start to get a real feel for the results of the Pick.Click.Give. program for this year.
For any non-Alaskans reading this, the Pick.Click.Give. program is a nonprofit initiative that allows Alaskans to choose one or more charities to receive a portion of their PFDs. The Permanent Fund checks vary in amount from year to year, with last year’s check coming in at more than $1,800.
As the Anchorage Daily News reported the Pick.Click.Give. program was used by almost 5 percent of Alaskans receiving PFDs last year—a pretty good turn out for any fundraising drive—a and organizers hope that increased awareness of the program and how the money raised impacts programs for residents across the state will in turn increase participation.
The organizations that benefit from Pick.Click.Give. provide a huge range of services to Alaskans, from cultural programs to practical solutions to community problems. You can read more about the impact of the program on the Rasmuson Foundation’s blog.
Getting ready to apply for your PFD and not sure how to Pick.Click.Give.? This video explains.
Still need to apply for your PFD? Do it today: